Is LinkedIn Good For Realtors?

3 min readJan 26, 2021

Social media marketing is the standard nowadays, even for the real estate industry. And while giants like Facebook and Twitter have a larger user base, LinkedIn remains the perfect social media platform for lead generation, especially for realtors and real estate agents.

Here we will talk about why LinkedIn is good for realtors, and how it can help you find more home sellers and buyers.

Is LinkedIn Marketing Worth It for Realtors?

If you are not taking advantage of LinkedIn’s massive platform, then you are missing out. LinkedIn now has over 660 million users — making it a gold mine for lead generation. Realtors should not let it go to waste.

LinkedIn marketing is a worthwhile investment because it helps you reach a large audience while building your credibility as a realtor. By just setting up a profile and sharing your credentials, you can show off your skills and your brand. The more you build a track record of hard work and skills gained, the more likely a lead will remember you when it is time to sell or buy.

Having a LinkedIn page also helps your listings get in front of more people. You should not make it the highlight of your profile, however, because visitors are more likely to engage with your content rather than your listings.

Can LinkedIn Help Me Find More Home Buyers and Sellers?

Compared to other social media sites, LinkedIn is more business-oriented. There are fewer social posts on LinkedIn, so marketing posts gain more traction. LinkedIn is also perfect for realtors because the user base aligns neatly with the National Association of Realtors or NAR’s profile of the average home seller and buyer

The majority of LinkedIn users are age 30 and older. This accounts for 77 percent of all LinkedIn users. Additionally, nearly half of them earn more than $75,000 per year. 90 percent of LinkedIn users also make household decisions. This means most of the people on LinkedIn have the capacity to buy or sell a house. They make the perfect target for realtors.

LinkedIn also offers one of the most comprehensive search features, which is useful for pinpointing ideal prospects.

LinkedIn Marketing via Content

Setting up a good profile on LinkedIn will ensure that people remember you when they need a real estate agent. But you can take this even further by being proactive and attracting more visitors. This is done by posting high quality content.

The potential for content on LinkedIn is huge. Posting articles or blog posts with helpful tips and information will help you stand out from the competition and establish your authority in the industry. It builds your credibility and shows that you are a thought leader in your field. This is very important because you want to establish trust with your prospects before you can work with them.

Many people use LinkedIn like an online resume and then leave it alone. But if you use LinkedIn actively to post content, you can reap the benefits of this massive platform.

LinkedIn Marketing via Connections and Messages

LinkedIn is great for networking. At first you will be focusing on connecting with friends, co-workers, colleagues, former classmates, etc. But eventually you will have to expand your network. It’s no different in the world of real estate.

LinkedIn helps you reach out to prospects and leads, not just other agents. Think about people in your community who consistently interact with those looking to buy or sell property such as lawyers, lenders, financial planners, tax service providers, etc.

Fine tune your outreach efforts by using LinkedIn automation tools. But don’t just settle for any automation tool: use the best. Kennected helps you send automated messages to your prospects. This saves a lot of time and energy because it completes tasks that are repetitive and mundane. With Kennected, you can focus on more important things like selling homes and talking to clients.

Why Kennected is the Best Way to Scale Your Local Outreach

Kennected does more than send automated messages. It uses laser accurate data to find the ideal targets for your messaging. Kennected provides fresh, new leads and sends personalized messages and follow-ups. With personalized messages, prospects are more likely to respond. Home buyers and home sellers will be more willing to connect if your messages don’t feel like spam.

Book a demo today and see how Kennected can help scale your local outreach.




Kennected is the best tool for LinkedIn automation. Want to generate more leads? Put your lead gen systems on auto pilot.